DU 1st & 5th year Result Semester 2014 Prog/Pass/Hons
Today, DU Result has been declared, November- December 20014 first semester result, BA(Prog), B.com, B.Sc, BA honors 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5thsemester result declared 21-12-2014.
Delhi University first year second year third year examination result date date of declaration on www.du.ac.in result 2014 nov-dec
Click Here to see DU Nov-Dec 2014 Result
- · du 2014 result
- · DU List of Declared Result
- · du first year 2014 result
- · du 2nd year 2014 result
DU 1st 3rd and 5th semester result will be declared in first week of 2015 January.