Top 5 Hacking Android Apps – 2016
We all know that in today’s age technology is so important and we also know that we have to keep pace with the world. There are many things which are famous in today’s youths and among those things one thing that attracts all youth is hacking. In today’s world hacking is not that mysterious world as it used to be. Now there are various apps also which you can say are not proper hacking tool but they help you in some way like if you want to enter a secured wifi network than they will help you in a great way. There are various android apps available now-a-days and as I told earlier these are not proper hacking apps but they can be useful in ethical hacking purposes. And one thing I must tell you is that these kinds of apps will definitely enthrall the tech aficionados. These apps are for the users who really want to explore the tech world. There are many tricky apps in the store and we also know that android platform has maximum number of apps in its market. So I would like to list best 5 android apps for ethical hacking purpose which you can use.
1. Kill Wifi – it is a very good and most popular app which is used now a day and let me tell you that it is the most downloaded hacking app which is currently available on android platform. This app gets more than thousands of download per day and Kill WIFI app is sitting at the top with this much downloads. Basically this app can cut the wifi of other people and let me tell you that it is a very amazing app.
2. Hackode: Hackode is an app which is very famous and popular. Hackode app is basically for ethical hacking and this app is used by IT professionals and many other people use this app. It has many users and people do like this app. As I told you earlier this app is for professionals. This app can do scanning and all. It can also perform many other functions.
3. nMapper – nMapper is another hacking app which is on the android platform but there is one thing that differentiate nMapper app from other apps and which is nMapper app is a paid app. This app provides you with the pictorial view of network and which is very helpful indeed. Structure it means that while other apps are available for free on android platform but to use and download nMapper app you have to pay first, you have to pay a certain amount and then only you can download the nMapper app.
4. Network Spoofer – Network Spoofer is another app which is available on android platform. This app can do wonders and you won’t believe it until you will install it. Network Spoofer can do amazing things as this app can change other person’s website also and not only this but this app can get access to others wifi passwords and secured connection also.
5. Network Discovery– this is another best android app for hacking and main thing about this app is that this app is available for free on Google plat store and one more thing which makes this app different from all other apps in its leagues is that if you want to use this app you can do that without rooting your phone and you can use it on your uprooted phone.